    <title>JSP 2.0 Expression Language - Implicit Objects</title>
    <h1>JSP 2.0 Expression Language - Implicit Objects</h1>
    This example illustrates some of the implicit objects available 
    in the Expression Lanaguage.  The following implicit objects are 
    available (not all illustrated here):
      <li>pageContext - the PageContext object</li>
      <li>pageScope - a Map that maps page-scoped attribute names to 
          their values</li>
      <li>requestScope - a Map that maps request-scoped attribute names 
          to their values</li>
      <li>sessionScope - a Map that maps session-scoped attribute names 
          to their values</li>
      <li>applicationScope - a Map that maps application-scoped attribute 
          names to their values</li>
      <li>param - a Map that maps parameter names to a single String 
          parameter value</li>
      <li>paramValues - a Map that maps parameter names to a String[] of 
          all values for that parameter</li>
      <li>header - a Map that maps header names to a single String 
          header value</li>
      <li>headerValues - a Map that maps header names to a String[] of 
          all values for that header</li>
      <li>initParam - a Map that maps context initialization parameter 
          names to their String parameter value</li>
      <li>cookie - a Map that maps cookie names to a single Cookie object.</li>

      <u><b>Change Parameter</b></u>
      <form action="implicit-objects.jsp" method="GET">
	  foo = <input type="text" name="foo" value="${param["foo"]}">
          <input type="submit">
        <table border="1">
	    <td><b>EL Expression</b></td>