Interface TcpConnectionHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TcpConnectionHandler

This interface will be implemented by any object that uses TcpConnections. It is supported by the pool tcp connection manager and should be supported by future managers. The goal is to decouple the connection handler from the thread, socket and pooling complexity.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object[] init()
          Called before the call to processConnection.
 void processConnection(TcpConnection connection, java.lang.Object[] thData)
          Assert: connection!
 void setAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Used to pass config informations to the handler
 void setServer(java.lang.Object manager)
          Deprecated. This has nothing to do with TcpHandling, was used as a workaround

Method Detail


public void setServer(java.lang.Object manager)
Deprecated. This has nothing to do with TcpHandling, was used as a workaround

Add informations about the a "controler" object specific to the server. In tomcat it will be a ContextManager.


public void setAttribute(java.lang.String name,
                         java.lang.Object value)
Used to pass config informations to the handler


public java.lang.Object[] init()
Called before the call to processConnection. If the thread is reused, init() should be called once per thread. It may look strange, but it's a _very_ good way to avoid synchronized methods and keep per thread data. Assert: the object returned from init() will be passed to all processConnection() methods happening in the same thread.


public void processConnection(TcpConnection connection,
                              java.lang.Object[] thData)
Assert: connection!=null Assert: connection.getSocket() != null Assert: thData != null and is the result of calling init() Assert: thData is preserved per Thread.

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